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Saturday, December 11, 2010


Believe it or not your skin is the largest organ of your body. It is a living
organ which heals and renews itself constantly. It covers your entire
body and consists of two clearly defined layers:
1. The epidermis is the superficial or outermost layer. In other
words, this is the skin we can see and feel. It forms the
protective covering. This layer contains no blood vessels but
has small nerve endings and is made up of five layers of cells.
The pigment called melanin is found in this layer. Melanin
protects the sensitive cells beneath, from the harmful effects of
the sun. The greater the exposure to sunlight the greater the
production of melanin.
2. The dermis or the inner layer is located just under the
epidermis. This layer is highly sensitive because it contains
nerve endings. It also contains numerous blood vessels, lymph
vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
These are held together by collagen and elastin fibers, which
together give the skin its strength and resilience.

Each hair follicle has a sebaceous gland, which produces sebum. Excess
sebum makes your skin look and feel oily. If the neck of a sebaceous
gland is clogged, sebum accumulates, giving rise to acne. A deficiency in
the production of sebum produces dry skin.
Your teenage years could be your best time or your worst time
depending on your hormonal activity. Generally, puberty is a bad time for
your skin.
If you are spared the onslaught of acne and pimples usually associated
with the teenage years, then more than likely your 20’s and 30’s should
be trouble free.
During your 20’s your skin should look its best. It can however be
adversely affected by allergies, hormonal imbalances, stress, and
exposure to the elements.
In your 30’s your skin may begin to lose the bloom of youth. You may
begin to see the appearance of dryness and fine lines. The skin tends to
be more sensitive and extra special care is required during this period.
In your 40’s your hormone production slows and the skin begins to lose
tone and elasticity, giving rise to wrinkles, creases and fine lines.
While these changes occur naturally as you age, they can be minimized
and controlled by properly caring for your skin. Cleansing, toning and
moisturizing your skin twice daily can help you rejuvenate and revive
your skin.
Now that you have a better understanding of your skin and how it works,
I am sure you will appreciate that the time to begin your personal skin
care routine is NOW!

Kamla Regrello
Sacha Cosmetics
Makeup Artist


  1. Understanding your type will allow you to better take care of your skin so that it looks its best.Cleansing, toning and moisturising your skin twice daily can help you rejuvenate and revive your skin.

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  2. Skin works as a defensive mechanism against external elements and it is the largest organ of the human body. Maintaining a daily skincare regimen with SPF 25 and anti-oxidant protection will prevent premature aging.

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  3. Personal hygiene is one of the first vital steps you should take in order to stop your skin from becoming exposed. Knowing the reasons why you are getting acne can help you avoid this skin problem more effectively.

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  4. Skin in made of different layers of cells like the dermis and epidermis and sub cutaneous tissue.To keep the skin soft and supple, we need to stick to effective products and a good skin care regimen.

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  5. One of best ways to test skin is using tissue test. It will tell your skin is of dry or oily. Morning is considered as best time for tissue test. Take a two-ply tissue and place it on skin. You will get know the type of skin.

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