Top Fahion Spots


Monday, December 13, 2010


Today’s women have the choice of several different brands and types of cleansers. To simplify matters, we group cleansers into two basic categories: “tissue-off” cleansers and “rinse-off” cleansers.

• Tissue-off cleansers which are normally referred to as “cream” or “milk” cleansers have a high oil content. It is these oils, which combine with and help to remove makeup, facial oils, and grime allowing them to be easily wiped away.
“Tissue-off” cleansers are less drying and are more suitable for normal to dry skin types.

• Rinse-off cleansers are water-based and incorporate some type of detergent to help remove makeup and excess oils. This type of cleanser is recommended for women with oily or combination skin. It should be mild enough to gently and effectively cleanse your skin without drying. Gels, foaming cleansers and facial washes are normally referred to as “rinse-off” cleansers.

There are many misconceptions about the role of toners and astringents in a skin care routine. Firstly, they are an essential step in the skin care routine. They remove traces of makeup or residue that your cleanser misses, and “prepares” the skin for moisturizing. The term toner, freshener or astringent is often used interchangeably. If you have normal, combination or oily skin use an astringent containing a low percentage of alcohol and skin soothers like allantoin. For normal to dry skin use an alcohol-free freshener with ingredients such as witch hazel and other natural extracts.

Kamla Regrello
Head Makeup Artist
Sacha Cosmetics

1 comment:

  1. Toner is also a great advantage to ensure that your skin is perfectly clean after blasting. Any need residue left after you've used your soap should be obvious when you spineless tinted. It also penetrates deeper than the pores of a cleaner, can therefore more dirt and dead cells are removed.

    Debt Advice
