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Friday, January 21, 2011

Natural Beauty Tips:

Squeeze juice of an orange and mix with a tablespoon of plain yoghurt. Apply on face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off after 10 minutes and splash face with cold water.

A great way to get rid of dark under eye circles. Run a large potato in a blender. Squeeze the pulp to get rid of excess juice and form two patties from it. Place the
patties over your eyes and keep them there for 10 minutes.

Pound the kernel and add body lotion to blend into smooth paste. Use it as a gentle exfoliator for face. Note the pip is the rough “seed” and the ivory kernel is what you need when split open the pip.

Massage mayonnaise into your hair after shampoo. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinse off. You can also use mayonnaise as a lip mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes before removing with cold water.

Mash a ripe one and use it as a facial mask; rinse off after 10 minutes. To get rid of puffy eyes; use a linen cloth, make a “moneybag” filled with mashed avocado. Dab it gently on eyes.

Chop ginger and mix it with body lotion for a facial scrub. Avoid the sensitive eye area.


  1. Well, useful article. You must also take into account the concentration of the ingredients and the manufacturing technology used in preparing the cream.You always need a balanced diet, lots of dark leafy greens and fruits all contain compounds that nourish our skin.

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  2. A diet too devoid of fat leaves hair and nails brittle and skin lackluster and dry.Wash the face with ice-cold water before and after rubbing a slice of tomato on your face.

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  3. Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday helps flush out toxins from the body that damage skin and hair.One should sleep for atleast 8 to 10 hours at night so that the person can have a relaxed mind and body.

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  4. Drinking a lot of pure water, 8-10 glasses per day, is one of the best tips to enhance your natural beauty. Also take proper sleep around 7-8 hours. Your natural beauty will shine through when you get plenty of sleep and exercise each day and you choose nutritious foods.

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  5. Facial mask is one of best natural beauty tips. For this you can use ordinary home made products. Like honey, bananas and avocados. Also yogurts. This will make your skin soft and glow.

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